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♥ Welcome to Jinny's World ♥
If you are unhappy with anything in my blog, just leave my blog. Respect my blog, okie!
ENJOY reading!


Name : Jinny Lee
Date of Birth : 3rd May
Fav Colour : Pink & Purple


Waiting for my one and only ♥ to appear :o)


Trip to Hong Kong - 18 Nov
Davidoff Cool Water perfume
A rectangle shape watch


Kin Kok



please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .

Thursday, June 2, 2011 ♥

today marks the 2nd day of him not ard. surrounding so quiet tho he is not the noisy type but miss him walking ard and having him ard.

today something happen. post that the MS vouchers are crap and immediately jessie and BL start calling me. at least jessie understand that i'm in the mtg but BL insist that i talk to her. i dun like her call as i felt threaten by her. she say if i insist on posting and her tone is not friendly at all.

anyway, no regrets posting that.

it is all about simplicity (:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 ♥

i stop posting for a while. now i'm back! when i dun hv people to tell my problems, this is a good way.

since the day he join, he has been making "appearance" in front of me.

first we went lunch. he has to sit next to me and its real close. trying to avoid him but he gets closer.

second, we had a celebration. liza commented that he looks cute in his black polo tee. steve disturb him by saying liza say he cute and whether he is attached. he say out aloud that he is not attached and no gf. liza was shy saying but i hv bf..hahaha..

i realise that he likes to get close to me. like i talk to simon, he will lean on me!

we went for lunch bot by the promotees. he sat next to me and the 2 of us is like a couple talking to each other. he will lower down his head and talk to me. pranav saw and stare at us!

now he is back from his orientation and attachments, he will walk to my desk no matter what and see if i'm at my desk and walk over to talk to me.

like last fri, he is willing to upsize his meal to give me the mug!

before he goes on leave, he walk over and make sure i know he is going on leave!

when i go hk, he make sure i think of him and talk to me in the hk accents...funny him.

ytd he walk to my desk and see my screen, and he lower his head so down and put his face near me. and he allow me to box his face! hehe..

i love this feeling.

it is all about simplicity (:

Sunday, December 13, 2009 ♥

today is sunday...i am so tired...boss sms me at 7.30am, as expected =)

continue to sleep till 10am...

really don't feel like doing anything but still force myself to clear some stuff.

sometime i really feel like juz throw everything away...so frustrated sometime...

coincidently, the horescope told me "Don't force yourself crazy, complicated life on those you're romantically linked to."

and "You are advised to closely monitor the health of your stomach."

hmm..all these so true!!!

it is all about simplicity (:

Saturday, December 12, 2009 ♥

it has been a while i did not update here but i was doing my post somewhere else.

after all the boo boo..i still cannot forget him. dun ask me why. when i flew to Penang, on the flight, i kept thinking abt him. and quietly i weep. aiyo..my life is in a mess bcos of him.

recently, someone who left my life came back again. i think this is God's way to ask me to forget abt him. i'll take it whatever God plan for me. i'm not going to think or find myself... =)

Xmas coming and the lonely feeling keep creeping up to me now. after that follow by New Year and CNY...OMG!!!

it is all about simplicity (:

Monday, November 30, 2009 ♥

it has been a long while since i last blog.

my life was in a mess. got myself into a relationship which i dun even know if it's true. in the end, someone mess up on my behalf.

i went Penang for 11 days to get over him. i actually tears when i saw some guys on biz trip and thot of him when he was on biz trip. alot of things make me remind of him. it's so difficult...

like wat HS told me, if he is serious of me, he will not do that already.

i told myself ot enjoy myself but it's difficult. when i'm there i can dun think cos alot of things are happening there. but once back here, everything of him float back to my mind.

OMG...wat am i supposed to do???

it is all about simplicity (:

Monday, September 21, 2009 ♥

i din do much for my long weekend. sat slept till 11am and went back to work. work till 5pm den go home. that's 1 day already.

sun, slept till 11am again and mum bot lunch for me. den came the 2 little ones. have to teach them English which is my best subject. after that went to nap till 6pm and woke up cos i'm too hungry and tat's another day.

mon, 4 monsters came. got to coach them their work again. den mum and sis went for haircut and guess wat, all parents went out and left the 4 monsters to me. sigh...can't get to nap again and i'm really tired cos last nite had nitemare and x keep kicking the bed till i can't sleep.

going to sleep already tmr got to go to work early..sigh...there goes my long wkend...

it is all about simplicity (:

Sunday, September 20, 2009 ♥

recently got to know 2 guys. funny out of sudden huh! one is a technical support J, who is 40yo and the other is an Accountant, N, who is 42yo.

N is more mature while J is a happy go lucky guy but he is quite funny also. sometime i dun even understand wat he says. there are always ??? on top of me!

N is a person that actually replied my email. i was shocked too and din expect him to reply. he is currently in vietnam now for biz and will be back in a wk. he normally travel once or twice a month to asia pacific countries. think he is enjoying himself in one of the small province in vietnam called vantung. dunno where izit but he told me b4 he went there.

Fri was our D&D and it's boring. sit there and do nothing till it start at 8pm. hungry and tired after a day work. by that time all of us hot, tired and hungry. think they shld do something abt it if we are still having it there next year. i was surprise my big boss ask why i did not help out this year! i told him i was not told wat time to come and help that's why. hahaha...

Joe happen to be there and i met up with him. the process was so funny...

to confirm a thing is, guys will always no matter wat, go for girls with look and not whether they are kind-hearted or have brain. =)


it is all about simplicity (: